You have reached the weight limit for a single order, which is set at 6,000 lbs. Please adjust your order by splitting it into smaller shipments. If you have any questions, please contact our support team at order@supply-ontime.com or by phone number 855-787-7880
You will get your order when you need it. Reliable delivery is our business, not an extra service.
We will park at the nearest available spot at your location and make items available for you or your team to unload from the Truck bed. Our team can unload light-type deliveries (less than 50 lb).
We will park at the nearest available spot at your location and unload your order within 30 feet from the truck. We do not require a person to be present to receive.
We will bring ordered items across the first doorway in your home, but not exceeding 100 feet or 2 floors from the truck. An adult must be present.
51 - 3000lb
3001 - 6000lb
Same-day within 4 hours or scheduled 2h window
Schedule your jobsite delivery in cart!